One Winnetka Troubles - Nick

Dear Village Council of Winnetka,

My name is Nick A., a student of New Trier. I am writing this letter about One Winnetka. I have read Gail Schecter’s letter about One Winnetka. In her letter, she asked, to “include at least 15% of all units as affordable under the definition of the Illinois Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act”, 10% of all North Shore units should be set aside as evidenced in the bar graph.

I feel like people who work in the community should live in the community. I feel this way because it would help them commute to work more easily, which takes stress off them. If they are a teacher, they may be willing to come in early or stay late to help students if needed. Although some may argue that it’s an awkward situation if you meet a teacher outside of school. This is probably a slim chance for that to happen but it’s better if living in the community they work in helps remove stress from commuting to work. The issue of diversity in the North Shore is worrying because the majority is white. With a majority of residents being white, there can be a creation of stereotypes which means more possible Donald Trump personalities in the future. No one would want that to happen. There is also a possibility of North Shore residents being a majority of white, which would help stop reinforcing stereotypes. What Gail Schecter asked for in her letter regarding the Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act and 15% of all units to fall under this act I find hard to believe. If the prices are going to be $4000 a month for renting at One Winnetka, that's hard to believe it’s affordable.