One Winnetka - Kalani

Dear Winnetka Village Council,

    I am a student at New Trier High School and i am writing a letter to you behalf of the new building being built called one winnetka.  

This is a picture of what the new building in winnetka is suppose to look like according to the developer David Trandel. Also David wants to do is make each room be around $4000 which is not good for people who can't afford that. Gail Schecter a CEO of open communities in winnetka is trying to push that the building can be more affordable for people who can't afford the monthly cost she says “you have to include at least 15% of all units as affordable under the definition of the Illinois affordable housing planning and appeal act.” which means that there should be affordable housing ith this new complex. I agree with Gail that there should be affordable housing in this new building cause most people will not be able to spend $4000 a month for housing without buying there other expenses.
For diversity i think anyone should be allowed to live in this building it would show that this community would be more diverse than just being an a majority white community. For the affordable housing how winnetka will reach the 10% mark is making more houses and or apartments affordable as in the article “Affordable Housing Facts” states “it will not have any impact to nearby properties values” which people wont hurt other companies. So if we can push to have affordable housing we can get to that 10% mark and also help out the community.     


Kalani Rennoe